Scholarship – Eligibility


  1. Applicants must be an enrolled member of a U.S. federally recognized Tribe, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian Group, or a member of the Canadian Indigenous Peoples (Métis, Inuit, First Nations); and,
  2. Applicants must be an incoming or enrolled student in good standing at an academic institution pursing a degree in Aquaculture or a closely related field in the following:
    1. University, either in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral program; or
    2. College pursing a certificate, degree, or diploma; or
    3. Trade or Technology school or program with courses for an Associate degree or certificate, apprenticeship training, etc.
    4. Examples of “closely related fields” include:
      1. Fisheries science or management with a clear link to, or interest in, aquaculture
      2. Veterinary studies with a clear link to or interest in aquaculture.
      3. Genetics with a clear link to, or interest in, aquaculture or fisheries.
      4. Natural Resource Management with a demonstrated interest in aquaculture or fisheries.
      5. Marine Biology, Ocean Policy or Management with a demonstrated interest in aquaculture or fisheries. Environmental Studies with a demonstrated interest in aquaculture or fisheries.
      6. Engineering with a demonstrated interest in aquaculture or fisheries.
    5. Research and Development (Master’s or Doctorate) that:
      1. Supports innovation or sustainable methods or technology in aquaculture,
      2. Focuses on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems,
      3. Focuses on risk assessment and mitigation of aquatic diseases and parasites as related to aquaculture, or
      4. Focuses on management systems and certifications (best practices) in support of aquaculture.
    6.  Examples of areas of study that are not closely related to aquaculture include:
      1. Park Ranger
      2. Law Enforcement
      3. Wildlife Studies, etc.
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